1.) Have you enjoyed your time at Grango ?
I have many happy memories and am proud of the achievments of pupils. Many have gone on to University
and excelled. Others have done well in the world of work.
2.) Have you enjoyed working with all the staff and the pupils?
Yes Grango staff and pupils are renouned for their friendliness.It is the people I will
miss the most.
3.) What is your best memory of Grango?
There are so many; The jokes with the pupils in the corridor; walking to the Airmans Grave on the
sponsored walk; Sports day; Challenge of Industry; Eistedfodd; Carol services; the look on pupil's faces in August when they
recieve good GCSE results
4.) What is your worst memory of Grango?
Losing Karl Thomas but it was also very moving to see how the school and the community rallied round.
5.) And the question we all want to know, which is your your favourite house?
My own at the end of a long term
Mr P. Mayhew